Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money. Show all posts
I think we can all agree that it is ethically suspect to lie about the size, location, or even existence of your house. Or steal other people's photos. Or solicit freebies without offering anything in return. And yet, I have to admit that I've done all these things. I have done things that would make even the most social-media-addicted teenager blush. I have bought followers and requested likes. I have hashtagged communities to which I do not belong. (What's up, #cleaneating!?) I have copied snapshots from other people's Instagram accounts and then painstakingly cropped out the attribution tag before posting them to my own feed. I have shared pictures from my vacation to Italy.
I have never been to Italy.
My name is @bougie_means_candle. And I'm an Instagram influencer.
If your company sells anything at all to the public, you’ve heard about Instagram influencers -- the hottest topic in advertising since, well, advertisements. As social media has begun supplanting TV, newspapers and magazines as a primary entertainment source, companies have been forced to seek new ways of getting their products in front of the eyeballs of the coveted youth demographic. Businesses can, of course, just buy ads that Instagram slips into the streams of its users’ photo feeds. But younger consumers are alarmingly adept at ignoring those. The ideal solution would be to infiltrate those streams not with ads but with the familiar, trusted voices of friends -- who are also, as it happens, pushing the exact message you, the entrepreneur, want pushed. 
So, naturally, there has become such a thing as an Instagram influencer. A person, usually young and attractive, who creates a rich social media fantasy life, into which they will happily slip a glowing reference to your product in exchange for free stuff or a small fee. This allows you, as a business owner, to create an ad without hiring models or photographers. It also allows your potential customers to see your product not in the harsh light of some studio but in situ, in the glamorous life of an actual person. 
Everyone wins! 
Except: Unlike advertising agencies or legacy media outlets, influencers often have no bona fides beyond an attractive online persona and a large number of followers. There are few established norms for interacting with influencers, and little scaffolding set up to prevent, say, someone from sending you an invoice for services rendered after you’ve already sent them free candles. 
“I would say we get about five or six requests a week,” says Natalie Markoff, founder of the Markoff Group, a PR agency that represents about a dozen small, luxury retailers. Most of the publicity requests Markoff receives start off easygoing, she says. “They will say, you know, ‘I have an Instagram account. I’m an influencer. I love your product; could you send me some?’ And then about three or four emails in, after I’ve already sent them product, they’ll send me a rate card.”
Shamelessness isn’t the only pitfall. Outright fraud is also fairly common: ads so bogus that the FTC recently threatened to slap folks with lawsuits; fake followers; fake lighting; ludicrous requests for money and products and stuff, stuff, stuff. “Anytime you have that kind of money flowing into a platform this quickly, it’s a gold rush,” says Evan Asano, CEO and founder of Mediakix, a social media marketing agency. And like any gold rush, it tempts both decent folks and derelicts.
That’s not to say you should write off this burgeoning corner of the ad economy as a scam, however. Instagram, for all its faults, is enormously influential. As of September 2017, the site had 800 million users, 80 percent of whom follow a business, and more than 60 percent of whom say they discover new products on Instagram. As for the influencer market, according to a recent estimate by Mediakix, it was worth $1 billion in 2017 and could double over the next several years. That’s billions of dollars companies will likely be spending on entrepreneurial one-man-band social media “stars” in the hopes that it will benefit their bottom line. 
But does paying influencers result in actual sales? And if a photogenic, doe-eyed 22-year-old approaches you and asks to represent your handbags/coats/sweaters/hotel/restaurant on Instagram, will you wind up getting ripped off? To get answers to these questions, I decided to go undercover and infiltrate the Instagram economy. I called some successful influencers, created a fake design-guru persona, bought a bunch of fake followers, solicited some free product and, well, started influencing. Here’s what I learned.
Michelle Williams is one of the good influencers. A former art director, she runs the blog-­Instagram complex Coffee and Champagne, which has 116,000 followers. It’s clear why she has been successful at this. Pleasant and forthcoming, she posts compelling snapshots of oozy, melty sandwiches, ice cream cones as frilly as antebellum dresses and her own tan, dark-haired visage looking pensively out the windows of various cafés. A full-time freelancer, Williams makes about half her money from her blog and the other half from Instagram, much of it by partnering with food companies to create and shoot new recipes. She’s what you’d get if a magician turned Saveur magazine into a person. 
When I told Williams I intended to fake my way into the Instagram economy, she told me it’s much more difficult to break in than it was in the good old days of 2014. Back then, you could just take pretty photos of food and add them to a photo gallery. Today, with so many people trying to quit their day jobs and turn influencer, you have to have a good schtick to stand out. 
“I tell people to come up with their own visual technique,” she says. There are accounts that post only pink photos, for example, or post clothing always shown against a one-color background. One influencer Williams likes got popular by taking photos of food from a bird’s-eye perspective, so followers can see both the plate and the account owner’s shoes. In the parlance of the Instagram economy, your schtick is your “aesthetic,” and as a business owner, the idea is to work with influencers whose aesthetic matches your idea of your brand. 
“If you look at the creatives that are getting a lot of ‘gigs,’ as we call them, some of our highest-performing ones are professional photographers,” says Aana Wherry, director of marketing, communications and creator experience for Popular Pays, a site that acts as a sort of matchmaking service for brands and influencers. “We have tags with which we filter our creators, whether it’s men’s fashion or food or different categories of content or audience.”
You can think of influencers as mini magazines; you want to place your ads only in those whose look fits your brand and appeals to your demo.
For my aesthetic, I decided on an interior design feed that would consist mostly of candles. Why? Because it’s specific, it’s an underserved niche and I like free candles. To start, I bought a few chichi candles, arranging them around my one-bedroom apartment to create desirable vignettes. My plan was to create a barely believable feed of luxe candles displayed in the various rooms of a fictitious house on the beach. I would ask small businesses to send me free candles to place in future photos. And then I would just see what happened.
This strategy proved unsustainable. I ran out of content very, very quickly. One thing they never tell you about being an Instagram influencer is you need a ton of content. Williams posts one or two photos a day, plus material for Stories, the live A/V feed of an influencer’s daily grind that was added to Instagram in 2016 to mimic Snapchat. 
So, this being the internet, I stole. I started out just reblogging other people’s candle photos, with attribution, but before long, I started cropping out the original posters’ identifying details and uploading their photos as my own. I added layers and layers of hashtags to everything (#zenlife, #beachstyle, #instadecor) to try to get like-minded accounts to repost my photos. None of it had the desired effect. My most popular post got 26 likes.
Growing an audience quickly became a monstrous task. This, it turns out, is most of what you’re paying for when you hire an Instagram influencer: the engaged and receptive audience that has grown to trust them. “It’s not easy to get that many followers and keep them engaged and appeal to their interests,” says Wherry. “These creators are experts at it.” In short, it’s not as easy to go viral on Instagram as it is on, say, Twitter, where one brilliantly timed joke can launch your account into the stratosphere. Building a huge audience on Instagram can take years.
Patrick Janelle, @aguynamedpatrick, built up his 458,000 followers over several years, first while working as a graphic designer at Bon Appétit, which reblogged his photos and then by being consistently engaged -- making friends and liking other people’s posts. “I have a number of people who have been following me for a long time, whom I have conversations with and whom I’ve never met in person but are constantly sending me notes, even leaving me a comment or sending me a direct message about something I’ve posted,” he says. “I don’t know that I can necessarily describe how to do it. It changes constantly.”
Of course, I didn’t have Bon Appétit to reblog my posts, or years to build a devoted following, so in keeping with my utterly underhanded business plan, I contacted a company that would allow me to simply pay people to like me. As it happens, there is a surprisingly large group of such companies, all with varying degrees of legitimacy, which have sprung up around the Instagram community like brothels around a gushing oil derrick. Some of them have names that sound relatively benign, such as Social Envy, Hypez and InstaBoostGram. Others, such as a company called Buy Instagram Followers, don’t bother trying to hide what it is they offer. I chose one called Buzzoid, which sells tiered packages of “quality” followers, topping out at 5,000 followers for $39.99, and emailed for details.
The response came from the “product owner” of Buzzoid, a man named Michael, no last name, who once signed his email both “Michael” and “Paul.” Astonishingly, when I asked, Michael-Paul agreed to help me out for free -- offering 5,000 followers as well as any likes I needed for several weeks on a trial basis in exchange for this coverage you’re reading right now in Entrepreneur (in what I’m calling the Inception of Instagram influencing). He balked, however, at answering any questions about his business model, writing only, “We do in fact provide real likes and followers to our customers. Which is why you will often see a drop in users if your account is not interesting or has poor material.”
Well, then.
Fake or not, hours after Michael-Paul bestowed my followers upon me, I could feel internet stardom suffuse my online life. I went on a friending spree down an acquaintance’s followers list, randomly friending 250 of them. Convinced by my bank of 5,000 prepaid devotees, more than 50 of these real people followed me back. I began to get actual likes on the photos I hashtagged. It was working. 
I had followers, momentum and a schtick. I was almost ready to start reaching out to companies. All I needed was to fill out my backstory. Michael-Paul had agreed to provide me with likes in addition to my followers, but I couldn’t ask him to do it five times a day. Plus, I had only about 25 posts. If anyone scrolled far enough down, my feed would disappear into the ether. So I went on a fake vacation. I searched for beautiful scenes from Positano, Italy (a place I’ve always wanted to visit), and then cribbed them from other users, posting them with captions such as “Finally made it to #positano. Can’t wait to sit on the terrace and have the meal of my life. #amalficoast #wanderlust #travel #dreamtrip #bucketlist #timeflieswhenyourehavingfun.” 
I asked Michael-Paul to scatter around enough likes to make the vacation seem realistic and hoped the brand managers I contacted would quit scrolling before they found anything peculiar. Then I sent out an email blast to four candle companies, requesting product for an upcoming shoot.
There is no way anyone will believe this is real, I thought. It’s absurd, ridiculous, completely transparent.
And then the offers started rolling in. 
In 2017, Evan Asano of Mediakix ran an experiment. Hoping to highlight Instagram’s vulnerability to fraudsters, he and his staff created two influencers who were utterly unreal: @wanderingggirl, a world traveler whose snapshots were free samples from a stock photo site, and @calibeachgirl310, a lifestyle account they’d shot with a model in a single day. Posting as these faux humans, Mediakix solicited business on influencer platforms, which are websites -- such as Popular Pays and TapInfluence -- where businesses can find influencers to work with.
The scam worked. Mediakix got four offers of money and gifts from brands before they halted the experiment. 
What can business owners learn from their experience?
“There isn’t a single, simple way to identify whether somebody has bought paid followers,” Asano says. But a high follower count is a good start. Influencers who get caught up in the fake-follower game fall apart as they get bigger. “If you have a half million or a million followers, and you need to buy some engagement on every single photo, that starts to get expensive after a while, and that’s when it starts to crack,” Asano says. Influencers need to maintain engagement as a percentage of their followers -- if they buy too many, the number of likes and views on each of their posts will be much too low, which will become obvious to companies. Another way to catch those who buy followers is to use internet metric sites such as Socialblade, which charts Instagram users’ growth history. “If there’s some huge crazy spike, it may be because they’ve purchased followers,” says Asano.
The best way to protect yourself from scammers may be to become Instagram fluent yourself. Follow people who do what your business does. Follow the people they follow. And approach influencers you’d like to work with, rather than the other way around. That’s what worked for James Tune, co-owner of the New York City bar Boilermaker, who approached @GothamBurgerSocialClub, an account with 154,000 followers, and @Devourpower, an account with 485,000 followers, and asked them to shoot his bar’s burgers. Tune gave the influencers a free burger and got tons more followers for his Instagram page. “Anytime I introduce a new food item, I ask Devourpower to come in,” he says. “My last post through them had about 45,000 likes. I’d say it was super successful.” 
You can also let someone else do the hard work. Some influencer-matching platforms, including the aforementioned Popular Pays, include Yelp-like star and comment-based rating systems so that brands have some idea of whom they’re hiring. Or you can partner with a full-­service marketing agency such as Socialyte, which will help your company develop a complete influencer marketing strategy and can match your business with a roster of fully vetted (read: real) influencers. 
If you do choose to work with one of these agencies, though, you should know how much all this costs. “A lot,” says Beca Alexander, president of Socialyte. “The average post is based on the influencer and what the product is -- how big a following they have, how consistent their content is and how in demand they are. But at the end of the day, we’re talking thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions for some of our influencers.” And in return? Your sales might skyrocket, or they might not. Instagram is tremendous at creating desire, but it’s very poor at leading people directly to sales links. Though the company did start allowing verified users to add hyperlinks to Stories in 2016, posts and comments are still unclickable and the hoi polloi can’t put hyperlinks anywhere but on their bio page. The thinking is, if you make people want your product enough, they’ll find a way to buy.
By avoiding formal influencer channels and contacting companies directly, I reduced the amount of scrutiny on my account enough to fool several people. The most expensive candle company on my list, Byredo, didn’t respond at all, but the other three got back to me within days. In fact, the first company to respond, the L.A.-based, all-natural candle and home-­fragrance brand Lite + Cycle, got back to me within hours. Kristi Head, Lite + Cycle’s owner, thanked me for reaching out but then disappeared. When I followed up, she offered me a 30 percent off discount code instead of free candles. As it turned out, she had scrolled through some of my old photos and saw that my aesthetic and backstory didn’t befit someone with 5,000 faithful admirers. “I noticed that your likes were really off. One image had about 100 likes and one had three likes, and I was, like, that doesn’t make any sense,” she told me later. “I have a pretty good instinct for this kind of thing. It’s really hard to fake a very genuine profile.”
I’d agree with her, but my candles from Linnea’s Lights have just arrived, in a box so large I thought they might be furniture for my neighbor. There are four candles in there -- thick tumblers of wax in scents like ink, forest fir, cashmere and Earl grey, plus an oil-based scent diffuser. The woman who sent them to me, Natalie Markoff, even enclosed a handwritten note saying that she hoped I would enjoy the candles. 
I feel #gross.
After the generous box of $16 to $34 candles appeared in the mail, I called Markoff to apologize for lying about who I was, and to ask if she wanted to talk about her experience “working” with me. Surprisingly, she did. (One other company also sent me free product but asked not to be included in this article, and huffily requested I return their candles, which I did.) 
How did my patched-together interior design feed convince Markoff? Basically, she’s a trusting person. She sometimes takes a chance on people who claim to be interested in the brand, whether they’ve got 150,000 followers or 2,000. She considers a gift to an influencer to be like a first-time discount -- a free week at the gym, say, or three free Blue Apron meals. An influencer is a potential customer, she says, with the possibility of also being more. “You’re just sharing an excellent product,” she says. “And the more people you can give that to, it’s putting good into the world.”
For Markoff, this strategy has led to partnerships that have paid dividends even down the road, including with an influencer who was doing an event in Portland, Maine, and liked the candles so much that she posted about them several times over three months. “I could just see our followers increasing, increasing, increasing, because she was posting about it in a meaningful way,” Markoff says. Because gifting can create feelings of reciprocity, this plan can be effective for many businesses, up to the point where an influencer sends a rate card requesting thousands of dollars. “My clients don’t pay to play,” Markoff says. It’s gifts or nothing, but gifts have created some serious buzz.
So -- based on a dozen interviews and my own experience as an influencer, should you do it? The fact is, you probably have no choice. If you want your brand to remain relevant to young people, you have to go where they are, and for now, that’s on Instagram. But be warned that the world of Instagram influencing really is like a gold rush. It’s boom or bust, and most of it seems to be happening in California. Spoken as a former piece of fool’s gold: Be careful out there.
What are Ecommerce Micro-Moments and Why Do They Matter to Your Business?
When you run an ecommerce business, you might think it’s tough to connect with customers since there is so much competition online.
But what if there was a tiny instance where the opportunity for you to connect with potential customers and make a sale increased?
They happen all the time. They’re called micro-moments.

Ecommerce Micro-Moments

It all starts with a consumer’s smartphone, which most of us have come to rely on as our own personal assistants. When a smartphone user, for example, voice searches “where to eat ribs in Philadelphia,” this is a micro-moment.
Why? Because it’s a tiny point along the customer journey. That one sliver of time could be a winning one for you, especially if you own a Philadelphia rib restaurant.
Here’s another example: a shopper uses her phone to search for an alpaca sweater. She’s given the usual search results, chooses one, and makes a purchase.
Some of these micro-moments last only a fraction of a second, but they’re incredibly valuable to eCommerce businesses.

Why Micro-Moments Matter

Mobile eCommerce sales are projected to reach 27 percent of all eCommerce sales by the end of 2018. That fact alone is a reason you can’t ignore the power of reaching your customers through their mobile devices.
The customer journey is no longer a linear path the way it once was. Where in the past, a shopper would have a need (to be warm), research options on a desktop (sweater), assess brands (who’s offering a discount?), and then make a purchase, now there are a thousand different data points that factor into that decision.
That same shopper might visit a sweater store on her desktop, then see the ad follow her around the internet through ad retargeting. She might follow a brand on social media and look for coupon codes on Twitter, and then make a purchase.
Which of these data points resulted in her finally buying that sweater? It’s hard to tell. But one thing is certain: mobile is a part of that process, and those micro-moments are ones no online retailer should ignore.

Identifying Micro-Moments with Your Audience

So how can you as an eCommerce business benefit from micro-moments? Start by determining what they are. Analytics come into play in this process, so if you’re not already BFF with your website analytics, get that way.
Your goal in identifying micro-moments is to determine the points at which your brand can best serve your customers’ needs. Google, the expert on everything, it seems, identifies four key micro-moments that your customers have:
  • I want to do
  • I want to know
  • I want to buy
  • I want to go
Each of these micro-moments spurs a different set of activities. For the shopper who wants to “know” if alpaca wool is organic, she might search for the answer on her phone. If you happen to have a blog post on that very subject, she might land on your mobile site, read the post, then buy a sweater from you.
Or maybe the shopper is planning a trip to Peru, and is researching what she needs to “buy” for the higher altitude. Again, content marketing provides the perfect opportunity to reach her.
Perhaps she’s looking to support small alpaca farms in South America (“do”). If you highlight your partnership with such a farm, she’ll find you that way. If she wants to “go” visit an alpaca farm, maybe you have a special contest where one customer will win a trip to visit the farm.
Create a map of what the typical buyer journey is for your average customer, then add in micro-moments where appropriate. At what point in the process do customers have questions or problems? How can you address those? The solution might be through targeted content, special offers or another mobile-friendly feature.
Once you’ve identified those micro-moments, implement the solutions to capture your audience. And remember the value of creating a seamless experience across channels: a shopper might find your mobile site on her phone, but then want to spend more time on the desktop version or sign up for your emails. Make it simple for her to cross borders so she gets the brand experience from you that she’s looking for.
Again, keep an eye on data and analytics, because they’ll tell you which of your micro-moment marketing efforts are paying off. Use trackable coupon codes so you know exactly which offer mobile shoppers are redeeming, and keep on top of which pages on your website are getting the most mobile traffic.
Invest in mobile SEO efforts so that you rank high on those tiny searches. Just because you rank at the top of search results for certain keywords on a desktop doesn’t automatically mean you will also rank high for mobile searches. Your website must be mobile optimized so that Google sees that you provide value on mobile devices.
Micro-moments are worth paying attention to because they connect you to potential customers through the one channel they trust the most: their phones.
12 Steps to Getting Free Traffic from Online Forums

Forum marketing is a great way to make your online business stand out from the crowd. Forum users are generally net savvy and open to making online purchases. Many forum users are also respected experts and bloggers in the specific topics covered by the forum.
Forum marketing is a high ROI strategy because making a good impression in front of this savvy and influential audience can help your marketing message spread far and wide.
Follow this step-by-step guide to effectively use forum marketing as a part of your overall online marketing strategy and avoid some common mistakes.

1. Find the Right Forums for Your Market Niche

Not all forums are worth your time. Successful forum marketing means finding the right community for your business.
Look for popular forums that cover your niche topic. Start by asking your employees, suppliers, and customers which online communities they hang out in. Also, try doing a simple Google search for a keyword related to your niche plus “forum”. For example, if you in the Golf marketing you could search Google for “Golf forum”.
While you’ll probably come across hundreds, and possibly thousands of forums, you’ll want to narrow your list to 5-10 forums that will be worth your time using the following criteria:
  • Look for forums that have at least 1,000 members and 10,000 posts.
  • Make sure the forum gets at least ten to fifteen new posts on a daily basis.
  • Ignore forums that are overrun by spam.
  • Avoid forums hosted by your direct competitors.

2. Create Your Online Forum Account

Once you find the forums you’d like to consider for online marketing, you’ll want to setup your forum accounts right away.
Seniority is important in forum communities. Users with older registration dates are given more deference than newer users. Some forums even prevent new users from posting for the first few days after their initial registration. Given the tremendous advantage of early registration, you should create your forum accounts as soon as possible.
Effective forum marketing means that it is part of your long-term strategy. Think of forums as a permanent marketing channel for your business, instead of just one of many targets to blast your hot new advertising campaign.
Don’t let the idea of being new to an online forum discourage you. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to build relationships, establish credibility, and authority in the forum community.

3. Check the Community Guidelines Before Posting

During the registration process you will be asked to agree to the forum’s user agreement and posting guidelines. Read these rules and guidelines carefully. There is a lot of boilerplate legal language in these documents, so it is tempting to just skip over them and click yes without reading. However, many forums have unique guidelines that you need to pay attention to. Some of the most important issues to look for include:
  • Are users allowed to place links in their posts?
  • Are users allowed to promote their own businesses?
  • Are users allowed to post commercial messages in their signatures?
  • Are users allowed to contact other members for commercial purposes?
  • What restrictions are placed on new users?
  • What special privileges are given to veteran users?
Violating any of these rules can quickly get you on the wrong side of the community members and completely invalidate your efforts of building good relationships, trust, and credibility with the forum community.

4. Pick a Good Username and Avatar (or Photo)

Your username and avatar are the first things other users will notice about you. Pick a username that is easy to remember and pronounce. Using your real name might be appropriate, especially if your name is closely identified with your brand. Stay away from bizarre number combination or weird misspellings. Do not pick usernames that only have meaning for you but would otherwise be nonsensical to everyone else (e.g. your favorite grade school teacher’s initials).
Avatars are small pictures attached to all your posts. A good headshot of yourself or cute pictures of your kids or pets make the best avatars. Avoid using any pictures that might be considered offensive or controversial.
The best advice is to go with an actual picture of yourself as people prefer interacting and doing business with real people.

5. Create a Compelling User Profile

A good profile can help you establish credibility on the forum. Provide a solid description of your expertise and experience. Feel free to add in a couple of personal tidbits to humanize your profile. Information like your hometown, your pet’s name, or your favorite sports team are good ways to break the ice. Stay away from sharing potentially polarizing information such as political or religious affiliation.
Provide contact information so other users can get in touch with you if they are interested in learning more about your business. A lot of spammers and identity thieves search through forums for personal information. Therefore, you should only share information you wouldn’t mind being made public, such as a throwaway webmail address.
Most forums today will allow you to post links to your Facebook page, LinkedIn Profile, Twitter account along with other social media account such as Pinterest and Instagram– be sure to utilize these platforms and link to them!

6. Introduce Yourself to the Community

Many forums encourage new users to introduce themselves to the community by making an introductory post. This is usually done in threads especially designated for welcoming new members. These threads are usually called some variation of “Say Hi Here,” “How Did You Find Us,” or ” New Members Check In Here.”
Your introductory post should include a brief description of your expertise and an explanation of why you joined the forum. Let the other users know that your main goal is to contribute to and learn from the community. Do not make any marketing pitches in your first post. If you try to sell anything in your first post you will very likely get banned.
Remember it’s all about joining the community, being helpful, and adding value.

7. Spend Some Time “Lurking” on the Forum

Resist the urge to start posting right away. Forums are tight-knit communities that tend to shun and haze newcomers. Spend some time reading the forum to get a sense of the community’s special quirks and cultural norms. Figure out who the influential users are and note which topics are perennial favorites. Learning this information will help you fit in more quickly.
You’ll also get a lot of valuable insight into what the most common questions are in your market, what problems people have, and what are the most common types of solutions. Invaluable data!

8. Make Valuable and Useful Contributions to the Community

This is the key to successful forum marketing. Whenever anyone asks a question related to your products or services, dazzle them with incredibly useful answers. These situations are opportunities to demonstrate your expertise and to generate good will. Backup your advice with links to trusted sources, and respond to follow up questions quickly.
Leave out your sales pitch in the beginning. Any hint of bias in your initial posts will erase all your hard work. By keeping your answers objective, the entire community will start thinking of you as a trusted expert. They will soon start asking you for your recommendations. When you get direct inquiries for recommendations you may then safely mention your business without appearing biased.

9. Put Your Website URL in Your Signature File

Forum signatures are blocks of text or graphic that are attached to the end of all your posts. Most people use signatures to display their favorite quotes or links to their favorite websites. Some forums also allow users to use signatures to promote their own websites. If you are in a forum that allows self-promotional signatures, make sure you take full advantage of this opportunity and create a forum marketing signature that works.
Do not abuse this opportunity by putting flashy images or long advertising messages in your signature. An accurate, short description of your business and a link to your website is the best way to go.
Over time as you make more posts and answer more questions in the forum you’ll have more and more chances for people to see your signature find and drive traffic back to your website.

10. Avoid Controversy and Drama in Online Forums

Do not get drawn into heated arguments. It would be a shame to get banned just because you started arguing over emotional and controversial arguments involving politics, religion, and other heated topics. Keep these things in mind before posting or responding to posts in online forums:
  • Constantly remind yourself that your mission here is to build good will for your business.
  • Stay away from charged topics like politics or religion.
  • Resist the urge to respond to criticism. If you have to answer, at least give yourself a couple of hours to cool off before responding.
  • Use emoticons to indicate when you are being sarcastic.
  • End discussions the moment you sense that it is getting contentious. Just say you agree to disagree and that you want to move on to other more pleasant topics.

11. Create Win-Win Marketing Campaigns

Once you have the respect of the users you can start more aggressive marketing campaigns. Focus on marketing techniques that provide a benefit for the forum community. For example, offer the forum members special discounts, free samples, or fun contests. Be sure to get the permission of the forum’s moderators before you start these campaigns.
A great method is to offer something for free as a way to drive traffic to build your email list.

12. Use Caution if Outsourcing Forum Marketing

Many marketing firms use bots or low-skilled foreign workers to spam forums. This is not the type of marketing you want. Forum spam may bring in a little temporary traffic to your website, but in the long run, these campaigns can seriously damage your online reputation. When you hire a social media marketing manager, make sure they understand that you will only accept ethical marketing practices that will enhance your image.
How the Ideal Forum Signature Could Grow Your Business

The key to successful forum marketing is in your forum signature. Without a signature, how will you drive traffic to your site? Regardless of the value you offer in your comments and responses, you will be unable to monetize that goodwill.
A good forum signature will help members know who you are and what you do. If written well, it will also motivate them to contact you. A really good forum marketing signature will entice people to click on your link and go back to your website.
And this is the whole reason for forum marketing in the first place, isn’t it — to drive more traffic to your website.
Let’s take a look at 10 forum marketing tips; first we’ll look at 5 things to avoid in your forum marketing signatures and then look at 5 things you’ll want to include in your forum marketing signatures.

What to AVOID in Your Forum Marketing Signature

It’s important to avoid every one of these five things in your signature.
  1. Too Many Links: Filling your signature line with multiple and irrelevant links will confuse your fellow members and maybe get you banned from the forum. Having too many links may confuse readers leading them to take no action at all. Both results don’t help you reach your goal of building your business.
  2. Forgetting It’s Business: Don’t mix up your personal and professional forum profiles. While saying: Visit my blog at is fine for a personal blog, links to your business blog need to be more professional. See more below for an example.
  3. Don’t be Cryptic or Deceptive: If you sell multi-level marketing products, say that. If you sell WordPress plugins to monetize travel blogs, say that. If you aren’t clear about who you are, then you are not going to be able to build trust. It’s okay to be self-promotional, as long as you are completely transparent about it.
  4. Avoid Flashing Graphics and Emoticons: They are perfect for best friends and grand-kids, but they don’t build trust of any sort in the business world. Don’t ever use these in your forum signature. Usually a simple sentence stating what you do or have to offer with a link is all you need.
  5. Being Too Casual: Even though you might be working at home in your fleece jammies and bunny slippers, your prospects want to think of you in a more professional way. Be sure that any language or images used convey professionalism, at all times. I’m not saying you can’t put personality into your marketing, but keep in mind your are promoting a business.
Remember that the goal is to build trust and add value. Be as transparent as possible, and this will help people trust that you are who you say you are — leading to a successful forum marketing campaign.
Now that we know what not to do when it comes to forum marketing, let’s look at some forum marketing best practices.

What to INCLUDE in Your Forum Marketing Signature

  1. Your Name: Should be pretty standard, but could be forgotten. You should use your full professional name, without nicknames, unless the nickname is part of your brand. People like to do business with people!
  2. Description of Your Site: A simple but concise sentence (or two) will help fellow forum members know what you do, who you are, and how you can help them.
  3. URL of Your Web Site: In terms of search engine juice, its best to link from the description of your site to your site itself. For example, link the main key word in your profile to your site. It is more compelling than a link from “My Blog”.
  4. Other Contact Information: You may want to include your email address, and select social media marketing channels. Direct links are okay for most sites, but you’ll want to avoid publishing your email address directly. Email harvesting bots can collect your address and begin spam you. You could publish your email address as yourname (at) yourdomain (dot) com. Harvesting programs don’t recognize this as an email address, but your readers do and can use that to contact you directly.
  5. A Professional Photo: Not to formal, but not to casual. Somewhere between the business suit and the flower print shorts will be fine. Even if you are participating in a laid back forum, don’t be to casual or readers won’t trust you enough.
Forum marketing is one of many great free ways to market your business online — and with a great forum signature you’ll be well on your way to successful forum marketing.