Showing posts with label business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business. Show all posts

Characteristics Of A Successful Advertisement


Many small businesses don’t get success they want from advertising due to availability of very little resources. The results are simply flat due to lack of good ideas for improvements. Whether the ads are put in a local newspaper or are printed in the famous periodical or posted on a website, the money invested should gain the desired outcome. There are some common mistakes small businesses and professional service providers do when designing and posting the advertisement, which leads to the failure of the advertisement.

Bigger is better is believed in by many. That’s exactly what some of the small firms think when they want to advertise their product. They think bigger and select a medium where they need to invest a lot of money, but do not reach the targeted market. Like if a company specializes in designing diet plans and want to help out people who had disappointing results from their individual diet plans, and the company chooses to advertise a full page in the local paper instead of running advertisement in a health magazine, obviously not many of the dieters will notice the advertisement and the advertisement doesn’t get the desired attention.

So the point is to come up with the best campaign, which will increase the probability of the ad getting viewed and the right customers trying to buy the product or sign up for the service. Studies and research can be carried out on the market and targeted audience can be narrowed down. Once getting the list of newspapers, magazines and magazines meant for the customers in mind, find out how many readers they have and the cost they ask for posting the ad. Special deals are offered by them from time to time and can only be found by watchful eye.

It is estimated that everyday people are subjected to around three thousand commercials. That is a huge number and if someone desires to be noticed, he should certainly be different. Not only the services and product sold should be unique in the market, so should be the advertisement. For example, if a business selling mattresses says, “We sell mattresses”, it will not make a statement and will be passed off as any other mattress advertisement. But if they say, “Our mattresses are of the finest quality”, it will make the advertisement stand out in the crowd. Other catch lines are “Are you suffering from back pain? Probably you must try our mattresses “, are more specific and will catch the fancy of the people who are suffering from back pains since a long time. The advertisement should also focus on the uniqueness of the product and how it is better compared to the competitors’ product.

Focusing on the problems of the customers and giving a solution for them, is what a customer demands. A customer does not buy a product; he buys benefits in the form of a product. The real value of the product should be realized and a clear picture of it should be presented to the customer so he will be able to relate with the product. If the advertisement doesn’t specify the solution it can provide, the customers will never know of it. So focusing on the customers problem is what some ads miss.

The last thing missing in most of the advertisement is motivation for the customers. If the advertiser has designed the advertisement and the customer had read the advertisement, all efforts and money invested will be wasted if he doesn’t get up and do something about it. It shouldn’t be assumed that the customer knows what to do; instead the advertisement should influence the mind of the customer and should tell him what to do. Call of action is the final job of the advertisement. It should call for information, or visiting the store or even visiting the online store. The message should sound confident and clear.

B2B Marketing Trends Will Override Others in 2018
The rise of the digital era and especially, digital natives has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other and also, the way we do business.
Why would B2B marketing be any different?
With digital, B2B marketing can be more targeted and savvy marketers are improving their ROI on their marketing plans. However, to be successful in this digital age, B2B marketers need to constantly update themselves on the latest trends, technologies and most importantly, hunt for what will make their business grow.
Leverage these cutting-edge trends, shed old wasteful practices and ride these trends for growth in your B2B business.  Have you incorporated these trends in your marketing arsenal?
B2B Researchers are Millennials
While the traditional B2B model was about targeting the B2B buyers and purchase managers, the reality is that today any B2B prospect employs younger managers who research online. Typically millennials, they are digital savvy and they look up the vendor’s digital assets to develop a clear picture of the vendor’s offering.
Hence, you as B2B Marketer, if you are talking the researcher’s digital language and making it easier for them to search and give value upfront, then you will rank high in the consideration list of the B2B buyer.
As a B2B marketer, you know that the one who provides the value most has the highest likelihood of getting the sale. Provide the value upfront to the B2B researcher and you have got your foot in the door.
To give this value, you need to go where the millennial researcher is always present: Mobile.
Mobile First
Today everyone is on the mobile. You get up in the morning and the first thing you check is the mobile for mails and social media.
Why should your B2B buyer be in any different?
B2B researchers, which we saw, earlier are mobile natives and the chances of them checking your digital assets on mobile are exceptionally high. Over 42% of B2B prospects use a mobile device at some point during their mobile journey. 84% of millennial B2B buyers believe mobile devices are essential to work. What impression would you give of your website and business if the site is not responsive and hence takes forever to load and then has very poor UX?
Making your website responsive is the first step. Having “mobile first” as your thinking is the critical shift in thinking. E.g. Are your videos in vertical format? Do they have subtitles?
These are basic but fundamental items you need to check in your marketing. Being mobile also means being savvy in social media.
Social Media
You may say “Facebook is for vacation pictures and LinkedIn is for job search, which I am not.”
That is an accurate description of 2016.
A study reveals that 53% of B2B prospects say that social media played a role in their buying decision. Facebook is the leading tool for marketers while LinkedIn is the number one social media of choice for top B2B marketers.
Why Facebook? Because your B2B buyer and researcher are on this platform every day. It's like meeting them at their home vs. their office. If you can meet them as a “friend” (no, don’t send a friend request as yet) you will build trust over a period.
LinkedIn especially with its exploding video usage helps you position your business as someone who offers value upfront. 66% of the Top B2B marketers find LinkedIn very effective.
What will leverage the power of social media is the right, targeted content.
Content Marketing
Wait, isn’t Content Marketing what B2C marketers do? Yes but here are stats for B2B.
According to the 2018 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends, 90% of B2B organizations use content marketing, and 38% of those companies are planning to increase their budget in 2018.
Content marketing is embraced by more and more B2B marketers and why not?
Going back to the first trend, B2B researchers are searching the net for information which makes their decision better. By providing relevant content which helps them make an informed decision, you position yourself as a “trusted partner” Wouldn’t you want that?
What is important is to have a written content marketing plan and not a fly by the seat of pants approach. 62% of content marketers who document their content marketing strategy outperforms 16% of those who do not. While Social media posts (94%) are the dominant form of content marketing, case studies and white papers (71%) are a close third. Third? What happened to the second? That’s the next trend
Video Explosion
Yup, video!
72% of B2B Marketers use video as their content marketing tool. Still not convinced? Check these stats-
The Web Video Marketing Council research shows that 96% of B2B respondents are engaged in video content marketing and 73% confirm that video has positively impacted marketing results.  Video is one of the dominant reasons why LinkedIn is also growing fast right now – LinkedIn is the number one social media of choice for B2B marketers Video on your website is the least you can do. Then, understand how you can bring video to every content page that you have.
Embrace these trends and emerge as a winner in the keenly fought battleground of B2B marketing.
50 Ideas Using Google AdSense
It’s easier than ever to start a website. And advertising platforms like Google AdSense can make earning an income from those websites easy as well.
But not all websites are created equal. There are certain topics that tend to earn more than others when it comes to including AdSense ads. And there are some topics that are especially popular with online consumers. Of course, you’ll need some actual knowledge and expertise in the niche you want to build a website around. But if you’re looking to stick with a topic that has some AdSense earning potential, take a look at these 50 options.

AdSense Business Ideas

Health Information

Health is one of the most profitable topics out there for AdSense websites. If you’re knowledgeable on health topics, you can offer general information or focus on a specific health related niche. But use care when dealing with medical advice.

Fitness Tips

You can also focus on fitness rather than other health issues. Offer workout routines and tips to those looking to change up their exercise methods.

Diet Tips

For another popular health related niche, you can offer some diet tips and recipes for health food and weight loss.


Technology is another popular topic for AdSense sites. You can create a website that share information about new innovations or even focus on a specific brand or type of device.

IT News

You can also create a site that’s more geared toward IT professionals or that can help individuals troubleshoot various tech issues.

Smartphone Information

Smartphones are clearly one of the most buzzworthy types of products out there. So within the tech niche, you can create a website that’s all about different smartphone options and the new models being released.

Mobile Apps

You can also create lists and databases about the various mobile apps that are available, as mobile apps are another popular topic within AdSense.

Software Information

Or you could focus on a specific type or brand of software and build a business around sharing information and updates related to it.


Fashion is another popular topic. You can share news from designers, trends, fashion tips and more.

Beauty Tips

50 AdSense Business Ideas - Beauty Tips
You can also create a website where you share beauty tips and trends related to makeup, hair and nails.

Relationship Advice

If you have experience in relationship counseling or related fields, you can start a website where you answer questions and offer advice on personal relationships.

Family Topics

Family related websites can also help you integrate a number of popular AdSense keywords. You can share family friendly events and activities, parenting advice and more.

Home Care

Or you can create a website that serves as a great resource for homeowners, offering tips and solutions to common home care issues ranging from decor to necessary home repairs.


Gardening can also fall into that category, though you can also build a standalone website that’s just dedicated to gardening tips and advice.

Personal Finance

Finance is a hugely popular topic online and when it comes to AdSense earning potential. You can start a website where you offer finance tips and news that could relate to individuals and their finances.

Forex Trading

Or you could get even more specific and build a website that’s completely dedicated to foreign exchange trading rates and updates.

Student Loan Information

Student loans also offer a lot of opportunities for you to share relevant information with people looking for help with their student loan related decisions.

Mortgage Information

You can also focus specifically on mortgage rates and updates to provide valuable information to homeowners and those looking to buy.

Credit Information

Or you could focus more generally on credit and offer comparisons and valuable insights to help people make credit related decisions.

Insurance Information

Insurance related keywords pay relatively high per click from Google Adsense and have relatively low competition so a site containing detailed and valuable information on various kinds of insurance might be a very profitable one.

Real Estate Information

50 AdSense Business Ideas - Real Estate Information
Real estate is another popular topic for AdSense websites. Offer real estate listings or information geared toward a specific area.


You can also create a website that shares information related to automobiles, like automotive news, vehicle listings and even repair tips.

Celebrity News

Popular celebrities also garner a lot of search traffic. So you could start a celebrity news site or start a fan site related to a specific celebrity.

Entertainment Information

Or you could focus on more general entertainment topics, like reviews about movies, TV shows or books.

Sports News

Sports are also hugely popular online. So you could start a website that offers sports scores and headlines or one related to a specific city or team.

Online Games

Online games can also be a great subject for a website business. You can develop your own games so that people are likely to spend a lot of time on your site. Or you could also provide information and insights into popular games that people can play on other platforms.

Political Updates

Political news and updates can get a lot of attention online. So you could start a site where you share news and information about different candidates or politicians.

Viral Videos

Everyone loves a good viral video. So if you create a website where you share funny and interesting viral content, you could potentially get a lot of views and thus, a lot of AdSense income.


Travel is another topic that’s popular with AdSense advertisers, especially information about airlines and hotels. So you could create a website that shares travel tips and deals to get in on this popular niche.

Photography Tips

50 AdSense Business Ideas - Photography Tips
There’s also a lot of advertising power behind the photography business. So if you start a website where you share photography tips and opinions about different types of equipment, you could potentially earn a lot of revenue from AdSense.

Stock Images

Or you could start a website where you offer stock images in a particular niche and simply include some AdSense space on your site.

Blogging Tips

Blogging tips are also popular in online searches. So if you’re an experienced blogger, you could share some of your expertise in a separate website.

Social Media News

You could also start a site where you share social media tips and news about the various platforms that are popular with individuals and businesses.

Search Engine Optimization

Another aspect of blogging and running a website, you can use your SEO expertise to gain a lot of search traffic to your SEO website, then reap the benefits from AdSense.

Web Design

You can also start a website that offers information about web design and development topics.

Graphic Design

Or you could focus on graphic design related topics.

Domain and Hosting Information

Domain and hosting information is also fairly popular when it comes to AdSense. So you can start a website where you offer tips and information related to those aspects of starting a website.

Money Making Tips

One of the most profitable topics for AdSense websites is money making tips — specifically, making money online. So you could start a website that offers tips and methods people can use to make some extra income online.

Money Saving Tips

Similarly, you could also start a website where you provide tips and methods for people to save their money or spend less.

Business Tips

Most of the popular AdSense topics are geared toward individual consumers. But you can also create a website that offers tips and information for businesses.

Marketing Tips

More specifically, you can offer marketing tips and valuable information on various marketing methods.

Advertising News

Advertising is another B2B topic that can be profitable for AdSense websites. You can provide tips or share examples that advertisers can look to for inspiration.


Cybersecurity has become a major issue for both consumers and businesses. So you can help those looking for information and earn some AdSense revenue by starting a website on the topic.

Farming and Agriculture

Farming is another profitable AdSense topic. So if you’re knowledgeable about farming and agriculture techniques, you can make a business out of sharing your expertise online.

Education News

Things like online classes and information about various colleges get a lot of search traffic. So websites that offer information in those areas can earn a lot of AdSense revenue.

Charitable Information

There’s also a lot of popular keywords related to charitable giving, specifically donating cars or other large items. So you could set up a website where you can point people looking to donate those items in the right direction.

Traffic Updates

Though this would take a lot of updating, people are always looking for updates on traffic in their area. So you could start a site dedicated to providing those updates in real time.

Local Business Listings

You could also start a website where you list local businesses in different niches, ranging from restaurants and stores to service providers like plumbers and electricians.

Law and Lawyer Information

Specifically, information about lawyers and lawsuit information can generate a lot of search traffic and be very profitable for AdSense sites.

Breaking News

And of course, so many people turn to websites now for breaking news updates. So you could start a blog or online publication dedicated to sharing the latest breaking stories.
Pros and Cons of DIY Website Builders Versus Custom Websites
A website is your place of business on the internet. And simply by being on the internet, you give your business the opportunity to grow.
But some business owners may still ask the question, “Does my business really need a website?”
The answer in most cases is yes. A website brings advantages that are hard to beat. A website gives credibility and works for you 24/7. It can also offer place to collect leads, give you a storefront online, provide a place from which to build a mailing list, and provide a home for customer support. It even offers a way for people to find your brick and mortar business. And, if well optimized for SEO, a website can attract new customers through search engines.

Two Approaches to Building a Business Website

There are two main methods to get a website up and running. (1.) You can use a DIY website builder tool such as WixSquarespaceWeebly or GoDaddy Websites. (2.) You can have a web designer or developer build a custom website for you.
Both approaches include both positives and negatives.

DIY Website Builder Tools – Pros and Cons

Millions of business owners and entrepreneurs are opting to use do-it-yourself website builder tools. Here are some advantages and disadvantages.
On the positive side, DIY website building tools are:
  • Inexpensive, with costs typically ranging from free to $30 per month
  • Fast to launch, often within a few hours
  • Website is hosted for you automatically
  • Safe with security handled by the website provider
  • Attractive, with professional designs included
  • Packed with industry templates, sample verbiage and images
  • Easy to use — some tools literally as easy as “drag and drop”
  • Easy to update on your own with no delays or added cost
  • Enhanced with basic SEO and traffic analytics tools
  • Capable of using your domain name, though perhaps with a bit of extra cost

On the negative side, DIY website builders:
  • Have limited customization options
  • Don’t let you own your website design — so if you switch website providers, you must start over
  • May include ads with their “free” plans and have other limitations removable only if you upgrade to a paid plan
  • May offer only limited use of advanced marketing tools and advanced SEO
  • May offer support limited to online help with telephone support only available if you upgrade or pay extra
  • Take some time to use even if they are easy to master

Custom Website – Pros and Cons

When it comes to getting a custom website built for your business, you’ll need to hire a Web developer to create one for you (unless you have rad development skills yourself).

On the positive side, custom websites offer:
  • Full design customization possibilities
  • Personal set-up attention, including someone to talk to and everything done for you
  • Personalized support by someone you know and trust
  • Use of any advanced marketing tools and add-ons you wish, not limited to the tool provider’s choices
  • Use of your own domain name
  • Ownership of your design, if the contract with the designer so states
On the negative side, custom websites:
  • Are more expensive than DIY sites, typically $2,000 and up
  • Take a longer time to launch, typically one month or more
  • Require communicating your needs from scratch to your designer — this can be overwhelming if it’s your first website
  • Require you to get your own hosting arrangements (your designer may help with this, but still it requires a separate arrangement)
  • Make security your responsibility, including disruption from and clean up of hacked websites
  • Require more ongoing expenses to operate, including hosting, updating, support requests, etc.
  • Require time to find, evaluate and hire a web designer
  • Require you to draft and review designer contract documentation
There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing between DIY website builders and custom websites. Every small business and every situation may be different. It depends on what you’re looking for, how much time you can devote to using a DIY tool, how big your budget is, and how customized you want your web presence to be.
For more about building a web presence for your business and for using technology in general, please download our 49-page ebook created in partnership with Microsoft. Download the ebook here.