So I got a custom video made for
under $300 ($288.49 to be exact) using items and services available on
Envato sites. This is how I did it.
This all came about as we recently added Voice Overs to Envato Studio. We were really excited about this new product and I wanted to see how I could use it to create something great, in a short deadline. With this in mind, I set out on creating a Halloween video that features a combination of Envato Market products and Envato Studio freelancers.
The brief was pretty basic – make a fun Halloween themed video featuring a video template from VideoHive, music from AudioJungle and voice over from Envato Studio. All of these elements would then be bought together and packaged by a video freelancer on Envato Studio.
A quick search for ‘Halloween’ returned a tonne of results in all kinds of categories (literally, 1069 different options). To narrow this down, I refined the results to only show After Affects Project Files, reducing my options to 247 items. Next, I sorted by ‘newest items’ as I personally love to check out the newest items on all of our sites. Plus, it means you tend to find some interesting files to check out.
Now at this stage you turn your sound up LOUD and start hovering over the thumbnails as the VideoHive team have this awesome feature that allows you to simply preview videos by hovering over them.
Through this process, I found the following video with only a single sale at the time and I thought it looked fun and perfect for our needs.
Next, I needed some spooky music to accompany our video. So, over to AudioJungle I went where I undertook a similar process as the video search. This time I searched for ‘scary’ and refining by ‘music’ and then sorting by ‘best match’. The very first result sounded great and sounded like it would go great against the animation style in the video.
Audio Player
Ok, so I have my video and my music and next I needed to organize a voice over but before I do, I need to write a script.
Now it was time to source a suitably spooky voice over talent from Envato Studio. After a quick search through the Voice Over category listening to demos from a number of providers, I found the listing of PeterBakerVoiceover and was instantly impressed with his voice. Very deep and raspy, which is perfect for a Halloween video! Check out his service, here.
I contacted PeterBakerVoiceover and told him what I needed. I showed him the video on VideoHive to give him and understanding of what his voice would be used for. He replied to very quickly and even sent me a GREAT example of him doing a similar voice in a previous job. That was all I needed and I purchased his service and sent him the script.
I wanted to ensure we were both on the same page with regards to the style of voice, but also how certain words are pronounced. As such, I sent the following when ordering this service.
Given the time constraints for this project, I sent a number of providers enquiries explaining the concept and my required turnaround time. After hearing back from a couple indicating they could make the deadline, I went with Doru and his After Effects Customization and Rendered to Optimized Video service. I sent Doru the script, video, music, voice over and my own butchered version of the Envato Studio logo to start work.

A little over 24 hours later, I had the following video and was blown away. Check it out and a big thanks to Doru for turning this around so quickly!
Music = $15
Voice Over = $75
Video Customization = $170
Domain Name = $11.49
TOTAL COST = $288.49
This all came about as we recently added Voice Overs to Envato Studio. We were really excited about this new product and I wanted to see how I could use it to create something great, in a short deadline. With this in mind, I set out on creating a Halloween video that features a combination of Envato Market products and Envato Studio freelancers.
Step 1: The Brief
As most of you probably know, Envato Studio sits amongst the wider Envato company of sites that offer a plethora of things such as website themes to video templates, stock photos and even educational resources.The brief was pretty basic – make a fun Halloween themed video featuring a video template from VideoHive, music from AudioJungle and voice over from Envato Studio. All of these elements would then be bought together and packaged by a video freelancer on Envato Studio.
Step 2: The Stock
First up was to find the video as this will help form the style of music and the language to be used in the voice over, so off to VideoHive it was.A quick search for ‘Halloween’ returned a tonne of results in all kinds of categories (literally, 1069 different options). To narrow this down, I refined the results to only show After Affects Project Files, reducing my options to 247 items. Next, I sorted by ‘newest items’ as I personally love to check out the newest items on all of our sites. Plus, it means you tend to find some interesting files to check out.
Now at this stage you turn your sound up LOUD and start hovering over the thumbnails as the VideoHive team have this awesome feature that allows you to simply preview videos by hovering over them.
Through this process, I found the following video with only a single sale at the time and I thought it looked fun and perfect for our needs.
Video Player
Halloween Paper Project by vladimirvlasenko BUY Next, I needed some spooky music to accompany our video. So, over to AudioJungle I went where I undertook a similar process as the video search. This time I searched for ‘scary’ and refining by ‘music’ and then sorting by ‘best match’. The very first result sounded great and sounded like it would go great against the animation style in the video.
Audio Player
Scary by _Blacksmith_ BUYOk, so I have my video and my music and next I needed to organize a voice over but before I do, I need to write a script.
Step 3: The Voice
Given Halloween was fast approaching I decided that the video would simply be wishing everyone a happy Halloween. Short and sweet, nothing too fancy, but overall, fun. Now, with a video template the elements you see in the preview on VideoHive are usually quite customizable and can be used in any number of ways. But, for quickness sake and to ensure a quick turnaround, I stuck with very minimal changes from the demo.Now it was time to source a suitably spooky voice over talent from Envato Studio. After a quick search through the Voice Over category listening to demos from a number of providers, I found the listing of PeterBakerVoiceover and was instantly impressed with his voice. Very deep and raspy, which is perfect for a Halloween video! Check out his service, here.
I contacted PeterBakerVoiceover and told him what I needed. I showed him the video on VideoHive to give him and understanding of what his voice would be used for. He replied to very quickly and even sent me a GREAT example of him doing a similar voice in a previous job. That was all I needed and I purchased his service and sent him the script.
I wanted to ensure we were both on the same page with regards to the style of voice, but also how certain words are pronounced. As such, I sent the following when ordering this service.
Style: spooky/halloweenOne day later I had a number of voice overs to consider and needless to say, PeterBakerVoiceover nailed them all. I requested one minor change and had what would become the voice over used within a further 24 hours, and it was awesome! PeterBakerVoiceover really came through with a fantastic voice over (not to mention a super creepy cackle), so thanks Peter!
Pace: Medium. This is just going to be a short little video to wish people a happy halloween!
Accent: As per your example
Envato is pronounced – En-Var-Toe
Spookio is made up, so pronounce as you would the word, spooky.
Melbourne is pronounced – Mel-Bourne
Australia is pronounced – Oz-Tray-Leear
Step 4: The Script
Below is the exact script I put together for this project. I tried to keep the sentences short so that they would suit the video I’d chosen already. Being I am not the greatest writer in the world, I did find this process a little daunting and perhaps for the next installment I will employ someone from our Creative Writing category to assist me.Scene 1Music fades out to close scene.
Music starts from the beginning along with the video. Background contains stars as per the demo on VideoHive. Witch flies across the screen to reveal the following text. Music continues till the end of the video.
Voice Over to read exact text.
Scene 2
Zombie flies across the screen to reveal the following text.
Sub Text – ENVATOOooooo SPOOKIOOOooo
Voice Over to read exact text.
Scene 3
Pumpkin flies across the screen to reveal the following text.
Voice Over to read exact text.
Scene 4
Ghost flies across the screen to reveal the following text.
Voice Over to read exact text.
Scene 5
Fade out to Envato Spookio logo and Envato Spookio URL.
Step 5: The Video
So, by this stage I had the video template, music and voice over so all I needed was someone to put them all together. This meant taking a look through the awesome services in our Video category.Given the time constraints for this project, I sent a number of providers enquiries explaining the concept and my required turnaround time. After hearing back from a couple indicating they could make the deadline, I went with Doru and his After Effects Customization and Rendered to Optimized Video service. I sent Doru the script, video, music, voice over and my own butchered version of the Envato Studio logo to start work.

A little over 24 hours later, I had the following video and was blown away. Check it out and a big thanks to Doru for turning this around so quickly!
Step 6: The Domain
So because I’m a complete nerd (and the fact I thought Envato Spookio is a great play on our name) I purchased the domain name, and featured it at the end of the video. I then setup a 301 redirect to via my registrars DNS and BAM we have a ‘working’ domain.The Cost
Video = $17Music = $15
Voice Over = $75
Video Customization = $170
Domain Name = $11.49
TOTAL COST = $288.49
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